supporting families from preconception through parenthood
The family continuum is committed to empowering, supporting and educating parents from preconception through the first years of life to blossom into healthy thriving families. I provide individual and family counselling sessions, and education to parents and adults that support bonding and attachment.
About Me
I recently moved back to Peachland to be closer to family. I am enjoying the slower pace of life here! I am a registered therapeutic counsellor, biodynamic craniosacral therapist, perinatal educator and coach, and I love supporting individuals and families to thrive.
"As a mother and a family physician, I recommend Bonnie's classes and workshops to friends and patients, as they are not only enjoyable but also instructive in early developmental play. Beyond developmental milestones, she is also a valuable resource on navigating sleep, toddlerdom etc."
Rupinder Sohal M.D.