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Healing Early Imprints Intensive

This somatic based process provides a way for adults to resolve early imprinting, and re-pattern deeply stored implicit memories that affect how we operate in the world, and in our most intimate relationships.

This workshop is offered in a small group format so as to create safety, intimacy and a nurturing environment. This 4 day process workshop intensive is co-facilitated by Bonnie Davis and Kristin Sipley.

Past participants have experienced

  • a renewed sense of self and increased self awareness
  • improved connections in relationships
  • better boundaries
  • increased self esteem
  • more effective communication

For a free 20 minute consult, for more information and to register email us:

I felt that it met my expectations. I was able to connect some of my current emotional and behavioural responses to life events, to the circumstances of my own earliest pre-memory experience. I also responded positively to the healing comments addressing my intention to find my own worth or value.
— Robin
Increasingly, I enjoy an enhanced sense of internal connectedness, peace, and sense of my space. I also know an evolving awareness of the relationships between my body, mind and spirit. I am more readily able to let go of old habits. I have an increasingly mindful experience when engaged in previously challenging areas of my life.
— Bengt